Emma Mullender is an artist, interior stylist, and upholsterer from Sussex, UK. A logo was required for Emma's website and printed materials.
Brief Words
- E + M
- Creative
- Versatile
- Trendy
- Contemporary
- Funky
The Story
The logo design was part of a larger body of work, i.e. the design and development of emmamullender.com (read about Emma's website). There are 3 parts to Emma's professional work: art, traditional upholstery, and interior styling.
The Solution
The form of the logo is repeated in the website design, columns for the vertical and text for the horizontal, with the aim of creating a sense of cohesion.

Business Card
Along The Journey
Some graphic ideas find their way into digital form. While there may be something that's nice about them but the "feeling" is not quite right.